Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Abbreviations used in English Communications

The Metric System of measurement is used in Canada. 

Canada officially follows the International Metric System. Temperatures, distance, weights, velocity are expressed in metric units.

The Liberal federal government of Pierre Trudeau first began implementing metrication in Canada in 1970 with a government agency dedicated to implementing the project, the Metric Commission, being established in 1971 by the Weights and Measures Act.

The election of the Progressive Conservative government of Brian Mulroney in 1984 resulted in the abolition of the Metric Commission on March 31, 1985. This ended the process of affirmative metrication in Canada, and some regulations requiring metric measurements either have been repealed or are no longer enforced.

Cars have metric speedometers and odometers however the railways Canadian National and Canadian Pacific as well as commuter rail services, continue to measure their trackage in miles and speed limits in miles per hour

Most kitchen appliances in Canada are labelled with both degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, and metric cooking measures are widely available; but Fahrenheit is often used for cooking due to the import of kitchen appliances from the United States. When cooking, Canadians typically use a mix of both measures depending on the recipe and cook book - use a mix of grams, millilitres, cups, ounces and tablespoons.