Our Mini-Twitter Directory of Toronto Twitterers to Follow:
An easy way to learn about Canada and Canadians is through social media "Twitter" posts.
Once you are logged into Twitter - copy the address - click follow - you will get the updates - it's very easy!
Toronto Canada has lots of Twitter Representation - some of the Twitter addresses that we follow from Toronto Canada are:
Study in Toronto https://twitter.com/studyintoronto
City of Toronto https://twitter.com/cityoftoronto
Toronto Film Fest https://twitter.com/TOfilmfest
Toronto Jazz Fest https://twitter.com/TorontoJazzFest
Toronto Fashion Week https://twitter.com/tofashion
Nuit Blanche Toronto https://twitter.com/TOnuitblanche
Toronto Symphony https://twitter.com/TorontoSymphony
Toronto Maple Leafs https://twitter.com/MapleLeafs
Toronto FC Tickets https://twitter.com/TFC
Tornto Marlies https://twitter.com/TorontoMarlies
Toronto Argos https://twitter.com/TorontoArgos
Toronto Star Sports https://twitter.com/StarSports
Toronto Volunteer https://twitter.com/VolunteerTO
CBC Toronto https://twitter.com/CBCToronto
CTV Toronto https://twitter.com/CTVtoronto
Metro Toronto News https://twitter.com/metrotoronto
Toronto 680 News https://twitter.com/680News
Toronto Star Video https://twitter.com/StarVideo
You can follow ESL in Canada http://twitter.com/eslincanada